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2023-24 Temple School Registration

Thank you for your interest in the Temple Anshe Sholom Religious School
2023-2024 School Year

Our program of Jewish Learning occurs on
Wednesday at 4:30pm and Saturday at 9:15am.

Our Grade 8-10 Program "B'yachad" meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm,
with a possible 1 day/month alternate date volunteering with a community organization

**FEATURING a November trip to Montreal AND a May Stay-cation in Toronto!**

Whether you are renewing your school commitment or joining us for the first time, we are delighted you have chosen to be part of the Temple Anshe Sholom Religious School community this year.

We hope that you will find our education program an enriching experience, and encourage you to explore the diverse opportunities for Jewish expression that are offered at Temple Anshe Sholom.

If you are not currently a Temple Anshe Sholom Member, and are interested in membership, we ask that you please contact Rabbi Cohen so we can assist you in becoming part of our greater Temple Anshe Sholom community. Rabbi Cohen can be contacted through the Temple 905-528-0121 ext 24 or

If you have any Religious School questions or need assistance in filling out this application, please email Director of Religious Education Dora-Ann Cohen Ellison or call 905-528-0121 ext 30.

All information in this application will be treated confidentially.

Please provide us with the names of all parents/primary caregivers of the student(s) you are registering today.

At Temple Anshe Sholom Religious School, we hold the safety of our students, families and staff as our highest priority. As part of your registration in the 2023-2024 school year, we ask that you please read and familiarize your family with our safety guidelines.


All participating families will be asked to acknowledge reading the “Safe Learning Guidelines for Temple Anshe Sholom that follow this blurb, as well as consent to the safe participation of each child on our updated “Temple Anshe Sholom Religious School Behaviour Policy”. The behaviour poilicy can be located at htttp://

Safe Learning Guidelines for Temple Anshe Sholom 2023-2024:


  • Mandatory vaccination of eligible students of all scheduled Public Health vaccinations. As of November 1, 2022- We strongly enourage covid-19 vaccination (within 8 weeks of becoming eligible, with respect to availability and on-going Public Health guidelines)

  • Families will be asked to provide proof of current and up to date vaccinations at time of registration

  • Parents are asked to please self-screen for illness before school hours, and to please keep all kids home who may be ill



If a staff or student becomes symptomatic at school:

  • The individual will isolate in the Rabbi’s office, supervised by a staff member

  • There is a private bathroom/sink in the area

  • The parent/guardian will be asked to pick up student as soon as possible


2023-2024 SCHOOL HOURS

Kindergarten to Grade 7:

       Shabbat mornings: 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

       Wednesday afternoons : 4:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.


B’Yachad (Grade 8-10)
Thursday evenings: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
        *ONE additional session per month with a community organization (TBD)
Optional Volunteer opportunities with JK-7 9:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Grade 8-12 *** Monthly Pizza dinner and Youth Group meeting at 6pm with our Youth Group Adivsor Yael Morais (TASTY- Temple Anshe Sholom Temple Youth)

Confirmation (Grade 10):

       Wednesday afternoons : 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. 


School fees for 2023-2024 are as follows.

Kindergarten/Grade 1:    Temple Member $300      Non-Member $600
Grade 2-7:                        Temple Member $900      Non-Member $1200
Grade 8-12:                      Temple Member $450      Non-Member $600


School fees are payable at the time of registration, or a schedule of monthly/quarterly payment may be arranged for the year, at the time of registration with a minimum $50 deposit.

In case of financial difficulty, there may be available funds through a School Bursary.
Requests for a School Bursary may be brought to the attention of our Director of Education in confidence, and all information provided is kept confidential by the members of the staff. 

Requests for School Bursaries will only be accepted for children whose parents/legal guardians are Temple members and whose membership is in good standing.  

Requests are to be submitted, in writing, to the Director of Education prior to the student beginning Religious School classes. The availability of School Bursaries and financial assistance is dependent on availability of funds and is not guaranteed year to year.

Please tell us about your child or children. All information provided will remain confidential and will be shared only with the School Teachers with parent permission. 
In the text box above, please tell us any important information, such as allergies. Please note if your child receives any education services, such as IEP, Adaptive Equipment, Special Education, Outside Tutoring, Physical / Occupational Therapy, One-on-on Aide*, Behavioral Resource, Gifted/Talented, etc. 

Please list two people that we may contact in the event we are unable to reach a parent in an emergency.
Please provide their First & Last Name, Relationship and Mobile Phone Number

In the text box above, please tell us any important information, such as allergies. Please note if your child receives any education services, such as IEP, Adaptive Equipment, Special Education, Outside Tutoring, Physical / Occupational Therapy, One-on-on Aide*, Behavioral Resource, Gifted/Talented, etc. 

Please list two people that we may contact in the event we are unable to reach a parent in an emergency.
Please provide their First & Last Name, Relationship and Mobile Phone Number

In the text box above, please tell us any important information, such as allergies. Please note if your child receives any education services, such as IEP, Adaptive Equipment, Special Education, Outside Tutoring, Physical / Occupational Therapy, One-on-on Aide*, Behavioral Resource, Gifted/Talented, etc. 

Please list two people that we may contact in the event we are unable to reach a parent in an emergency.
Please provide their First & Last Name, Relationship and Mobile Phone Number

In the text box above please tell us any important information, such as allergies. Please note if your child receives any education services, such as IEP, Adaptive Equipment, Special Education, Outside Tutoring, Physical / Occupational Therapy, One-on-on Aide*, Behavioral Resource, Gifted/Talented, etc. 

Please list two people that we may contact in the event we are unable to reach a parent in an emergency.
Please provide their First & Last Name, Relationship and Mobile Phone Number

If we or our emergency contact cannot be reached cannot be reached in the event of a medical emergency, we hereby give permission to the physician or hospital selected by the school or its selected representative, to hospitalize and/or secure proper treatment for our child(ren) named above. We understand that any costs incurred will be our responsibility.


Hamilton Jewish Federation is a major sponsor of our school and youth programming, As part of the agreement between the Hamilton Jewish Federation and Temple Anshe Sholom to receive the essential  funding required to run our dynamic programming, and to offset the tuition cost to families, we agree to provide the Hamilton Jewish Federation with our school roster. Hamilton Jewish Federation will be provided with parent name(s), contact information and child names/grade.
Please consider supporting the Hamilton Jewish Federation with a donation to the annual campaign.
At times, we love to share our school activities and accomplishments with the Greater Jewish and Hamilton Community. Please select the permissions suitable for your family.
Thank you for registering your family with the Jewish Learning Program at Temple Anshe Sholom.

If you would like to make a donation to the school in addition to your tuition fees, please click the box below. Please select "Religious School Donation" from the list above.
Your "Religious School Donation" directly supports the operating budget of the Jewish Learning Program and enhances all Jewish learning opportunities for families at Temple Anshe Sholom

Thank you for your support.
I would like to make a donation to the Jewish Learning Program in addition to the tuition fee. Thank you for your additional donation. Please select "Religious School Donation" from the list.

After clicking SUBMIT, the payment schedule page will open.

Please select your preferred schedule of payment for 2023-24 School Fees.

If you are registered and signed in as a ShulCloud user, you may select "Bill Me"

Non-Registered participants MUST select a payment plan at time of registration, and process the 1st payment installment. 

Families may pay fees by the following schedule:
  • 1 lump sum due upon submitting registration
  • up to 10 equal payments
(PLEASE DO NOT select 11 or 12 payments. Thank you)

BURSARY INFORMATION: If you are going to be applying for a school bursary, please note that families MUST be Temple Members in good standing. Please select 10 equal payments, and process the first installment and contact Dora-Ann Cohen as soon as possible to discuss payment options. Thank you

We are unable to provide school fee refunds after October 31, 2023
Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785